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Hrvoje Stojić, Director of group economic research at Addiko Bank

Mr Stojić is a highly skilled finance professional, with 17 years of experience in macroeconomic analysis, capital markets and banking sector research in Croatia and South East Europe. Throughout his careers, he has been versatile in equity market top-down macro research and bottom-up sector and company valuation thanks to in-depth knowledge of financial statements, financial metrics and valuation techniques. Throughout his career, he has provided actionable ad-hoc economic analysis with timely market perspective for Balance Sheet Management & Treasury, Corporate, Investment Banking, Financial Controlling and Risk Management Departments. Mr Stojić has received Focus Economics Analyst Forecast as well as Consensus Economics forecast accuracy awards during 2014-2017 for Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia in several categories. He is the President of the Chief Economists' Club within the Croatian Banking Association – a member of the European Banking Federation.